Thursday, April 25, 2013

How YOU Can Add New Brothers To FMSD, Any Time, Anywhere.

This is an updated re-post from a while ago - It's the reason why so many new members come to us and then stick around:

Hat-tip to the brilliant Jerry Altman for the idea… This is why our group has grown to over 4,000 new members in 35 months!

If your cell-phone has the ability to browse the web, please add this link to your phone's favorites (instructions for the iPhone and Android are at the bottom of this message):

Let's say you're at a bar, or a party, or on a date, and you're talking to a guy who is eager to get connected with a local, supportive network of trustworthy, kinky men. Rather than try to dig out a grimy card from the depths of your wallet (IF you have one), just tap on a friendly icon to open the page on your phone (it looks just like an app), hand it to him so that he can type in his email and maybe a note of introduction, verify that it's accurately entered, and hit "Submit"... The invisible "Dominate" button only becomes visible if the phone senses that it's appropriate for the guy holding the phone :-)

The page is optimized for mobile web, and allows people to easily and securely add their emails to our ever-growing mailing list. It also "recycles" back to the beginning, so that you can easily keep adding more and more people as the evening continues.

The great big "Tap Here For Slide Show" link means that you can show your buddy recent pictures of our events, so he can imagine himself in the mix.


I've been enticing people into joining the group, but I've found that old-style enrollment methods don't work well:

- If the enthusiastic men of our group hand out 250 highly-professional-looking cards, only one new member shows up on the list. That's a terrible rate of return. Those cards aren't cheap, either.

- If I bring a clipboard with a sign-up sheet to an event and tell folks what is newly available in San Diego's Tribe, men will gladly hand over their email addresses, and less than one percent will un-subscribe later on. This works really well in comparison to all other methods. There are several problems, though - No matter how carefully people sign up, there are at least 20 percent that are never added because their emails are unclearly written due to darkness, lack of reading-glasses, poor penmanship due to dependence on keyboards for the last few decades, or whatever. Plus, there is only one guy with a clipboard, IF I remember to bring it.

- Don't even get me started on flyers, mailers, handouts, posters or postcards. It's not 1982 any more.

Our new, mobile-optimized link multiplies the effectiveness because:

- The phone has a built-in light for data-entry in a dark environment. If we ask the guy filling out the form to enter and then verify the data, there is zero likelihood that later re-entry will be inaccurate. You MIGHT want to hand over your reading-glasses if he forgot to bring his, or hand the phone to a younger guy with better eyes!

- It increases the network of willing advocates for the group, and empowers YOU to influence how things go in the future. If the good-hearted men that I've met at every single one of our events are ready for better days, then I know that you'll be happy to share your experience by helping to add more men to the mix. Think of it as an investment in decades of joyful brotherhood for us all!


Open the link at the top of this message, using your iPhone. Tap the icon at the bottom center of the screen, and choose "Add to Home Screen", then tap "Add". This will add a nice "FMSD" icon to the end of your iPhone's final home page, ready to tap when you meet an enthusiastic and sociable man who would thrive in our environment of joyful acceptance..


Open the link at the top of this message, using your Android phone. Hit the menu button, tap Add to Bookmarks, add it, and then hold down your finger on that new bookmark, and then "Add Shortcut to Home'.

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