Friday, July 26, 2013

Support-Group for Caregivers for Elderly Parents

Note from Tony: Mr. San Diego Leather 2011 Kurt has started up this new initiative, and asked me to pass it along:

Many of us have an aging parent. Over the last several months the topic of aging parents and the issues, stresses and hurdles have been popping up in conversation at parties and social events. I have an 84 yo Mom in Palm Springs I travel back and forth to care for. Many of us are in this 50-60 something "sandwich" generation and charged with caring for an aging parent(s) 75+ years old. Everyone I speak to seems frustrated, stressed, lost, needs help, guidance, support, etc. caring for their aging parent either nearby or long distance.

I also realize there are 50-60 somethings caring for their older partners and also seniors who are caring for one of their same-age senior friends. This new program I am developing will help everyone who is caring for an elderly loved one. As I speak to more people, ideas and needs are flowing.

In response to those casual aging parent/partner/friend discussions, I drafted a proposal for The Center to start a new group called Adults with Aging Parents.

The Center approved this new program and asked me to direct and moderate it. I will get some help from the 50 and Better Senior Services Director at The Center, Our first meeting is at The Center on Wednesday August 7th from 7-9pm in Group Room 2 behind the reception desk. We will meet ongoing the 1st Wednesday of every month same bat-time, same bat-channel. If you are over 50 you will get this reference :-)

This is a group to educate us on what happens to the human body, brain and organic functions as aging occurs, resources for help, speakers to discuss elderly wellness, short and long-term care options, unraveling Medicare, ways to decompress when career and parent responsibilities collide, city/county/state agencies that can help and how to navigate those, how to handle the life change of an aging parent moving in with you/your partner/family, sharing stories and learning what we each have experienced with our own aging parent(s) to help others identify what may be happening with their own parent. Lots of ideas unfolding. Any and all ideas to develop this group and its purpose are welcome. I will likely change the name of this program to include partners and friends.

Please mark your calendars for August 7th at 7PM and also send me topic or speaker ideas and share this email and new group announcement with your friends. I can be reached at kurtwsd AT


Kurt Wendelborg

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